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Tommi Puukko, Pekka Tuominen Blade

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (39 items)

    Tommi puukko,
    Pekka Tuominen 95 mm (~ 4") silversteel blade,
    Ebony wood handle, silver bolsters

    Here are some pictures of my Tommi puukko... ( my English is terrifying, but in this case Tommi is the right spelling, instead of Tommy :) ) Searching I-net you can find, that knife smith Kalle Keränen studied knife making in Fiskars 1867-1868. His teacher was English smith Thomas Woodward from Sheffield, who taught him to the latest metal-working techniques, and in favour of his teacher these superior puukko became known as "tommi puukko".

    Pekka Tuominen is one of the most famous Scandinavian bladesmiths (to say nothing of Jukka Hankala after he stop taking orders and started to color his hair) :)

    Two year ago it was easy to find Pekka blade. Today his waiting list is so long, that it takes him about an year to complete the order.

    And, guys, - - - it cuts like hell!

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      I bet. Fabulous blades!
    2. Bootson Bootson, 11 years ago
      I have always thought this type of knife was one of the best designed and made knives. I passed some up many years ago because I just a little more expensive than what I could afford at the time. Now I wish I had gotten them anyway. :-(
    3. TheRoper TheRoper, 11 years ago
      Pekka is more an artist, than a craftsman, especially after his collaboration with Spyderco, so his prices now are nearly sky-high; I am not sure the blades of the young generation Suomi blade smiths like Pasi Hurttila or Joonas Kallioniemi are lowest quality; Same steel, almost the same quenching technology...

      Pasi is selling his blades now for about $30-35, and they are hard working horses.
      On the other hand, Kallioniemi is making masterpieces for his young age, search Google for pictures.

    4. Bootson Bootson, 11 years ago
      Thank you for posting those links, I like those knives.
    5. TheRoper TheRoper, 11 years ago
      For nothing! It's a pleasure to share any experience, that's why we are all here :)

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