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Walmart Long Service Pins

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Medals Pins and Badges1341 of 1592WWII AMERICAN RED CROSS SERVICE PINHey Officialfuel, I Won!  Long distance award! 1976
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (304 items)

    Walmart or Wal-Mart, the company uses both spellings. With all the negative press that Walmart gets it never occurred to me that they had long service awards for their employees. If one would believe everything one hears we would conclude that Walmart is a brutal and unethical corporation that treats it’s employees badly. Then along came my youngest brother who signed on with Walmart after several unhappy positions in manufacturing and the ship building industry. With the economy tanking he was glad to find a job with Walmart; and he really liked working for them! For nearly ten years every letter from him included the latest Walmart news. Then just before his tenth anniversary with Walmart he died unexpectedly. At the grave side services a group of his Walmart co-workers presented the family with his ten year service pin.
    The ten year pin is a platinum color rectangle 17mm wide and 22mm tall. His five year pin is a round 15mm, gold color disc with “WAL-MART” in gold letters in a black enameled horizontal bar across the center and the number 5 at the bottom. Makes me wonder what the other Walmart long service awards look like.

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