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1968 Schwinn Mini Twinn

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (9 items)

    This is my 1968 Schwinn Mini Twinn. Schwinn only made these one year. They retailed very close in price to the full size tandems. Most buyers thought "more was better." I bought this from the original owner. He & his sister received it for Christmas 1968. They rode it alot... Later in life the guy had it restored to it's former glory! I was high bidder on E-Bay with the bike but did not hit the reserve. He asked me what I was going to do with the bike.... I assured him my wife and I were tandem riders (this makes 4) and that it was a keeper for me.... The first picture was taken a few hours after I bought it.
    The Second and Third shots were at a magazine shoot. The Fourth shot is on the Boardwalk in Ocean City NJ.

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    1. Vontrike Vontrike, 14 years ago
      I bought one of these about 6 years ago,and it was not half as nice. Mine sold on ebay for $ 666.66 . People bought these for their kids, but they wanted their own bike,not to share one. Beautiful.
    2. JimKeaton, 6 years ago
      Hi, this is Jim, I sold you the Mini Twinn. When I sold it I never anticipated having a child but now I have a 7 year old boy. I would love to be able to give him my old bike if you would be interested in selling it back (at a generous profit of course). Thank you for your consideration. Jim 602-499-0100

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