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Skelly Neon Sign

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    This sign was at my grandpa's Skelly station in a small town in Iowa during the 1950's. My dad has kept the sign since they took it down many years ago. He has since fixed and cleaned it back into shape. He also built a custom metal stand to hang and display the sign in his shop. The sign is 4ftx4ft 2-sided. The metal stand is 9ftx9ft. After looking at old photos of my grandpa's station, we discovered it was a neon sign originally that had the neon removed later on. I looked online and could only find one picture of a Skelly neon sign (photo of sign hanging on wall). It was sold at a auction with no information on the sale. If anyone has seen one please let me know. Also we would appreciate any help on how to go about getting the neon done again to make this sign like the original sign in the 1950's. Any info would be helpful. Thank you much.

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    1. brianguy brianguy, 14 years ago
      it looks like it still has the original holes on the lettering for the neon tubing, so any neon should be fairly straightforward for a respectable sign shop to replace, though I think they would charge you a significant amount for a custom job. as far as the blue border, I'm not sure how that would be supported but I think you could get it as well if you wanted to go to enough expense.
    2. Neonking Neonking, 8 years ago
      Really nice sign. I'm glad your Dad decided to preserve it. As brianguy said, any sign shop that specializes in neon can redo the Skelly letters. Also there might be holes for the blue border as well, usually at the bottom of the can to prevent rain from entering. Would look nice with all the neon done again. If you want more details, you can always email me at neonking @ (no spaces)

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