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Dale Earnhardt Sr. Rookie of the Year Sundrop Soda Bottle

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (16 items)

    This unopened bottle of Sundrop is now 30 yrs. old. I have owned this bottle since 1982 when bought at a Race in Darlington.

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    1. larry, 14 years ago
      how much is the price for that bottle
    2. Charlotte Bennett, 14 years ago
      I have one 1979 Rookie of the Year bottle and one 1980 Winston Cup Champion Bottle .....How much is the price of the bottles ?
    3., 14 years ago
      I don't know how you had it in the 80's when it wasn't released untill the mid 90's I have the whole set.
    4. dopeybamaboy, 14 years ago
      nascaronmain I have the 1979 rookie of the year bottle that I got at the indy 500 in in82 so you have no idea what your talking about
    5. mike freeman, 14 years ago
      i have had 79 @80 for ten years bought at flee market for 10$ apiece unopened what are they worth and how do i tell what nunber they are oh yeah priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    6., 14 years ago
      Well I don't want to start a hissing contest so you tell your story and I will stick to the truth. I know when they was released when Jr. came on the scene with his Sun Drop car. That is when they released the bottles for Sr. If I had the time I would go find the carton that has the date on it that the carton was made.
    7., 14 years ago
      Just thought of something. Longneck bottles for Sun Drop wasn't out then. They was in a return deposit bottle. If they where made in the eightys how could they have the 90's championship on them? They didn't know when Earnhardt would win championships IN THE 80's. They where all released in cases one BOTTLE AT A TIME. If you paid $10.00 a peace for them someone had a good day and it wasn't you. They might sell for $2.00 each now. Maybe $5.00 at one time when they first was released.
    8., 13 years ago
      did They have bar codes back in 1980?
    9. ThriftyGypsy ThriftyGypsy, 13 years ago
      I did a little bit of research on this in the past. It was first used commercially in 1966, randomly, but they did not come up with a industry standard to use until June of 1974. The first UPC scanner was installed at a Marsh's supermarket in Troy, Ohio. The first product to have a bar code scanned was a pack of Wrigleys Chewing gum. I thought that this was really a interesting subject, and could be helpful when dating items.
    10., 13 years ago
      If you look at the bottom side of the bottle you will see a 92 year the next number you see is the month it was made.

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