Posted 11 years ago
(1469 items)
"TP Ceramiche" -- This Clown Made in Italy - that we know for sure as marked Authentication. It has a label (tag) with a signature on it. The label (tag) also is attached with a putty type of Red Seal Stamp on the back. Tag is attached to a Ribbon on figure.
About 9.5 inches tall, and about 4 inches wide at the base. Also marked on the bottom is is marked *Italy* and with either the number E180, or E18D which is probably a Style Design or an item number rather than the separate maker. Unknown when made.....? If you can help with the date of this figure that would be GREAT
I bought for a $3 at a tag Sale......LOL
*** (NOTE): I can see the Murano *glass* influence on this -- reminds me of the Murano Glass Clowns but is a pottery type.
very beautiful!!
Love him! I have one by this maker myself ..... A musician which is signed: Poli.
There are some others on the net.
Cesare Poli is the name that I see on the net.
I have been working on this for the last couple of hours and need some more information about this character.
Was he the father of Ivo Poli?
I think that his son is still working in Pietrasanta, Italy.
This studio surrounded by trees and jus a stone's throw away from the Dupmo in Pietrasanta was founded in the 1950's by Anna Bacci and Cesare Poli where they produced statues of figures and animals for the export market. "Questo laboratorio - immerso nel verde e ad un passo dalla P.zza del Duomo di Pietrasanta - viene fondato negli anni ’50 da Anna Bacci e Cesare Poli e - fino agli anni 80 - produrranno soprattutto per l’estero statue a soggetto figurativo e animale."
His son Ivo left his job as an architect to take over the business in 1983 shortly after the death of his father.
I do not believe that he is Cesare Ponti the sculptor born in Carrara in 1904.
Sorry about the typos!
This studio surrounded by trees and just a stone's throw away from the Duomo in Pietrasanta was founded in the 1950's by Anna Bacci and Cesare Poli where they produced statues of figures and animals for the export market
The information comes from Ivo's site:
First glance I thought it WAS a glass one Rose!
No doubt with all those tags and signs that it is authentic...and Kevin will not rest until he can tell you exactly who the "author" was!
Would be nice to figure out the signature on the tag.....and I know Kevin is HARD at it!!
yes, very Murano looking style. Everything influences another
This is a definite Murano. There was a whole series of these, most held whisky and they were made in the 70's, if I remember the date correctly. If anything, it is a possibility the later 60's.
$ You got a heck of a deal on that! I also know that about 5 years ago you could have probably sold that for $500.00. The prices have actually dropped since then, but $3.00? Great find!
lol...this does Not hold any Whiskey. There were the glass animals and glass clowns decanters to hold some Booze (have one I will post soon) and command some coin
Think this is just a decor............but I love it!! Glad all the tags etc are intact
Oh, the signature on the label reads Poli, I think.
It is definitely ceramic ....."ceramiche" is the Italian word for 'pottery'.
My real problem is the TP.
I still haven't worked that out.
It is by Cesare Poli.
There is a story to the glass/pottery concept though. I have another one which is by another maker still unknown. When I bought it at Surry Hills market a gentlemen was quarrelling with the owner about whether it was ceramic or glass. To me it was obvious. But this old guy got rather heated about it all. The owner, a woman in her seventies explained that she had bought it in Italy while on holiday with her parents at a shop in Murano. I stepped in and asked the price, bought it and defused the situation. It is a damaged piece but a pride piece in my collection.
I have a whole set of these I got from someone and most have the cert with them. I have no idea about them... Can anyone tell me what I should do with them?
Yes Rose, I love these types of items. I have a fisherman I purchased over 30 years ago in northern Italy, but I can't remember the name of the town - senior memory I guess lol.