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Big Fiddles!

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Violins27 of 43Jacques Boquay - Violin Year 172( )ANtique Violin
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (151 items)

    Purchased at a school surplus auction in Lincoln NE. Drove up to get them this w/e. Happy fathers day to me. The bigger one is a fiberglass fiddle and needs the neck re glued. Should be a simple fix.

    The 1/2 size is a William Lewis and Son and a pretty well known maker. The neck was broken off but I think it will glue and be OK. Been working on fiddles (violins) for awhile now, these will be the first double basses I have tackled. In comparison the strings on these things look like you could pull a car out a ditch with them Everything is HUGE!

    Resurrection photo taken this a.m.

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