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Photos of my father from his Navy days

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Photographs5005 of 5218From Finland, with love. Family Photo circa 1898
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (82 items)

    My father enlisted in the Navy straight out of high school in 1957. After Basic Training he reported to the USS Tom Green County, LST 1159 in the Pacific. He was honorably discharged on September 22, 1963.

    Dad passed away in 1997. He never talked about his Navy days, but after his death my mother passed along photos and documents from his time spent in the Navy. I put it all together in a scrapbook, and even tracked down some of his shipmates who shared their memories of him with me.

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    1. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      My grandfather was on an LST in the Pacific. Great Pics! :)
    2. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Your father and my brother went into the Navy in the same year, where did your father do his basic training?
    3. SMD SMD, 14 years ago
      ttomtucker: September through December 1957 he went to Basic Training at the US Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois then from January through June 1958 he was at the US Naval Training Center, San Diego, California. After that he boarded the USS Tom Green County.

    4. mark mark, 14 years ago
      Wonderful pictures. My father passed away a year ago and I cherish his photos from WW II.

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