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Asian Shishi Lions

In Asian > Foo Dogs and Lions > Show & Tell and Asian > Japanese Pottery > Show & Tell.
Foo Dogs and Lions98 of 154Soapstone Shi Shi lions.Chinese Foo Dog
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (7 items)

    A pair of Shishi Lions. They measure about 6" tall. I believe the painting is moriage. These were in a box of items that had belonged to my mother-in-law, and no one recalls seeing them before! There seem to be quite a few similar figures with slight variations. I would enjoy learning any information you might have to share!

    Mystery Solved
    Foo Dogs and Lions
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    1. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      I don't know how much is true but I read if it has red markings on the base then they are older so these must have some age which I do like very much good score.
    2. whatisit, 11 years ago
      Thank you Zowie. I did think it was odd that the markings were different on each one.
    3. Vintage_Joe Vintage_Joe, 11 years ago
      Also called Fo Dogs. I think the mark is stamped, it gives you hint for it's age.
      Can't remember it right away.
    4. Vintage_Joe Vintage_Joe, 11 years ago
      There is something same in this one.
    5. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      I don't know about that I only know what I read & I call them Foo dogs there have been a few here of late
    6. whatisit, 11 years ago
      Vintage_Joe, thank you.
    7. whatisit, 11 years ago
      Thank you jwendell222. I did not know how to identify the male or female. I only noticed a difference in the facial expressions. Now, considering the age, they may have belonged to my husband's grandmother.

    8. whatisit, 11 years ago
      I've updated to SOLVED! Thank you jwendell222, Zowie, and Vinatage_Joe. I will read up a bit on Kutani pottery, for I sure like the look!
    9. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      x not solved corrosion fallacy , and ferro red fallacy , upgrade , later
    10. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      there are a generic kutanis since early showa priode, i got bad eyes ,imo but we still got stroke and dot in stead othe granully of stamping , so i don,t understand why this is stamped, not a fatneck mold the right eyeppatholgy ilness of Graves in stead of the inside dimpling eyeballs, this is a quite early release, very early 60 probably, won,t make you rich, but this is one of the better releases

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