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1948 Coca Cola Cardboard Cutout (Partial)

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (132 items)

    I saw her over the weekend in an antique store. She looked like she may have been cut down from a larger piece. I came home, grabbed my Petretti's 12th edition (Pg. 153) and found out my thoughts were correct. this piece should be 26 x 42 standup not the 10 x16ish size I saw. I went back today, negotiated my best price and bought her anyway. She is not in great shape, and certainly not worth the $2500 mint condition price; but I love her anyway!

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    1. upstatenycollector upstatenycollector, 10 years ago
      Certainly a beauty!
    2. jameyrd jameyrd, 10 years ago
      Thank you to all! officialfuel , upstatenycollector, fortapache , blunderbuss2 , Trey, ttomtucker , walksoftly , Manikin , CokeKid-04, gargoylecollector , Ted_Straub, mtg75 , EJW-54 , trukn20, pickrknows , Jewels , leighannrn and crswerner.
    3. jameyrd jameyrd, 10 years ago
      Thanks to farmlady, AntigueToys, Lady_Picker , Virginia.vintage and Beachbum58 for the loves!
    4. jameyrd jameyrd, 10 years ago
      Many thanks to Chevelleman69, officialfuel and Designer!
    5. jameyrd jameyrd, 10 years ago
    6. kunstler, 10 years ago
      A Russian artist Leonid Donskoy used this same cutout as a backing to support his canvas of a still life of flowers. It was my grandmothers painting purchased in Yonkers, NY in the early 1940's. My mother hung the painting in our house in California and since I was very young we always surprised visitors by turning the painting over to see the cola cutout. We couldn't remove it as it was what the artist intended! Bow I know more history. thank you!

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