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German Artillery Officer’s Lion Head Sword

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Swords184 of 375Model 1845 Faschinenmesserhelp?! some kind of sword
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (310 items)

    This sword, sometimes referred to as the model 1898, was the dress sword worn by Imperial German cavalry and artillery officers. The only difference between the two branches was that the artillery had crossed cannon instead of crossed cavalry sabers on the langet. Similar swords were also used after WWI in both Weimar and Nazi Germany. The Nazi ones usually have a swastika where the crossed cannon are.

    This particular sword has no maker’s mark that I can find. The polished single fullered 30 3/4 inch blade is un-etched. The hilt is a dull gilt covered ferrous metal, and may have been re-gilt at some time as the gilding covers the gasket between the hilt and the blade. The pommel features a “ruby eyed” lion. (In reality more likely red cut glass). This was an optional feature on these swords that seems to have been quite popular. The guard is done in floral and scrollwork patterns with a smaller lions head on the finial. The grip is double wire wrapped Bakelite.

    I bought this on eBay several years ago. The seller’s listing read “Cut that meat like a master - a sword for your barbecue.” As a result I think a lot of potential bidders never found the listing or didn’t pay any attention to it. Anyway, I got it cheap.

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    1. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
    2. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      It is very nice how the guard comes from the lion's mouth. I am thinking it may not work that well for meat cutting although it would work. Perhaps as a skewer for chickens. Always good to get something at good price due to an unfortunate description from the seller.
    3. inky inky, 10 years ago
      Well done on your good buy!...I know this is going to sound strange about a sword..but! I am a woman after all...but! I think it is really lovely!!...:-)
    4. scottvez scottvez, 10 years ago
      How has it worked with the bbq?

      Nice sword-- love those poor titles on ebay!

    5. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 10 years ago
      Thanks for the comments and the love everyone!

      Inky, I don't think that sounds strange about a sword at all.

    6. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      Good one for getting it so cheap I just finished reading the full description as I was in a bit of a hurry the other day & didn't read the lot I know this is going to sound silly yeah you all can laugh but just getting a quick glimpse I thought it was a monkey. Either way I love it.
    7. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 10 years ago
      Thanks for the love petey, officialfuel, bluemax1914, racer4four, clockerman, Militarist, blunder, inky, Zowie, ron1939, fortapache and aghcollect.
    8. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      It is a pleasure such a unusual sword
    9. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      I got a rare bottle the same way-- no one could find it, or really want it, because, frankly, the seller's description sucked. Had you typed in its name or much on it, it'd have not popped up in e-Bay or Google. "Michigan bottle," I think it read. It was from Michigan NORTH DAKOTA, clearly stated on the bottle.

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