Posted 10 years ago
(42 items)
Found this unusual folding tool recently while picking an old barn, 100 plus years old. This has what seems to be a handmade blade, tapered spring, brass bolsters and some kind of laminate scales. No makers mark visible on blade near pivot. Maybe this is some kind of farriers or veterinarian tool.
I think what you have is a turpentine knife. Used to score the pine trunks for the sap. If right, do I win the quarter ? Best wishes..........
Hoof pick is my guess, if the quarter is still up for grabs!
It is actually called a "scribe race knife". Google it and you will find plenty. If you are an old woodsman you have one.
How did you date it? Or was the barn 100 plus years old?
We have a winner! Fhrjr2 has solved the mystery, and I thank you! This is a scribe race knife used for marking timbers, faster than using a wood chisel. The barn and home were over 100 years old and most everything in it was very old. This was picked on Father's Day accompanied by my daughter, best Fathers day ever! Thanks for the loves!
Brilliant, thanks Fhrjr2! You learn something every day :)
nice gift ....
Thanks for the loves! The best gifts don't need wrapping, I am a lucky guy!
I wouldn't bet on 100 years but probably dam close. These are quite collectible and yours looks in fairly good condition. Very nice find.
PS - If you don't want to part with the quarter.....I will take the knife. :)
The quarter is up for grabs, but not the knife! Thanks for all the loves.
Very Nice Race Knife! I hope to find one some day soon!
Thanks for the loves!