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Mississippi natural pearl and gold stickpin.

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (436 items)

    Last addition to my stickpins collection, bought for mother of pearl, gold color metal!

    Once cleaned, the mount is solid gold, which I knew from the nice mount work :-)

    This shape of river pearl is called dog tooth, I got bitten!

    The pearl is 1/2 inch long and has a nice luster on whole.


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    1. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Forgot to say end of victorian era :-)
    2. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      Why is it a Mississippi pearl? I have not heard of them before although I know of freshwater pearls.
    3. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      That's really pretty...and different than you usually see. I'm with racer on the Mississippi thing. (love spelling it tho ;)
    4. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Lovely visit Racer and Share !
      Here is a concentrate of documentation:
      thanks to the 9 lovers too :-)
    5. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      Wow Kyra!!! I love the shape and iridescence of this pearl! I'm not a pearls fan- too bland for my taste- but this one... in the words of my buddy Rose "WOWSER"!!
    6. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Thanks Vetraio, Melaniej, Walksoftly, Freiheit, Nutsabotas, Budek, Trey, Racer, Shareurpassion, LuluX, Roycroft, Rick and Newtimes for your very appreciate loves :-D
    7. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Rick, thank you so much for your enthousiastic comment ! ! !
    8. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      Wow! Great info kyra! You are one smart cookie ;) I imagine that yours is quite valuable with it's beautiful luster and it being in a gold setting. Thanks for sharing your info on it.
    9. Sunnybrook Sunnybrook, 10 years ago
      Such a happy find!
    10. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      WOW, thank you Sue for your sweet words :-)
      Thank you Sunnybrook for stopping here and let such a nice comment!
      Many thanks to the new lovers:
      EAPGDepression, Chi-Treasures, Sklo, Caigan, Mike and Critchpics :-D
    11. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Thank you, Oldandsleepy !
    12. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Thanks Elisabethan, Wpj and Padmelupin :-)
    13. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      I hadn't seen this one before, it's beautiful, kyratango. :)
    14. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Hi Katherine! Thank you for your kind comment, you are really my right arm ;-))

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