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Large Texaco Sign

In Signs > Automobile Signs > Show & Tell and Petroliana > Texaco Oil > Show & Tell.
Automobile Signs222 of 223Goodyear signBell Telephone Co. Stop Accidents
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (10 items)

    I am cleaning out my parents storage sheds, and am finding all kinds of things. This is a really cool Texaco sign that I uncovered. It's in kind of rough shape though. Unfortunately I know nothing about these old signs. If you could give me any information I'd appreciate it.

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    1. antiquewierdo101, 15 years ago
      You have a 42" Texaco Oil Gasoline Porcelain Sign. Is it double sided? Probably 40's 50's. Worth about $150. I'd buy it from you if you want to see it.
    2. antiquewierdo101, 15 years ago
      Sell it
    3. unclrukus unclrukus, 15 years ago
      Thanks for the info. The sign is one sided.
    4. antiquewierdo101, 15 years ago
      I see..would you like to sell it?
    5. unclrukus unclrukus, 15 years ago
      Yes. I don't know how to ship it though. How much were you thinking?
    6. antiquewierdo101, 15 years ago
      I'd give you $150 for it. Um..where you located?
    7. unclrukus unclrukus, 15 years ago
      Thanks for the offer, but for $150 I'd rather hold onto it. It's big but easy to store.
    8. antiquewierdo101, 15 years ago
      What do u want for it than
    9. unclrukus unclrukus, 15 years ago
      Oh I lied. The sign is two sided.
    10. tab, 15 years ago
      did you sell the sign?
    11. unclrukus unclrukus, 15 years ago
      No. Trying to convince my wife to let me keep it.
    12. tab, 15 years ago
      I am going to email you to get some more info.
    13. xinunus, 15 years ago
      Not sure what planet you all are from but this sign would easily sell for a minimum of $300 on eBay.
    14. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 14 years ago
      In this rough of condition, this sign would never sell for $300. $150 is probably even high. I;ve bought and sold these type of signs for years and it's pretty easy to properly value this item because there are so many out there to compare to. IF it could be cleaned up, $200-$300 might be realistic, but its rusted through and the damage is permanent. If you could get $150 for this sign, the seller is getting the better deal.
    15. EJW-54 EJW-54, 6 years ago
      Times sure change! this sign is worth a lot more in just 9 years!

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