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Art Glass10888 of 22787Loetz Pink Chine Art Nouveau Lidded Box.Interesting Kurata vase
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (3 items)

    Hello and Happy New Year to all you great folks "out there"! A few years ago I purchased this little antique art glass vase at a local auction but I am not knowledgeable in the identification of old glass. From researching on Images on the internet I have come to the conclusion that it may be made by Moser but am definitely not sure of this. It is covered all over the glass with a thick gold design and set in a metal base. It is only five inches high including the stand. It is signed in gold on the bottom of the glass vase with what looks like "F44" Do you recognize this lovely little piece of art glass. Thank you. Marilyn (Belleville, Ontario)

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    1. robin56 robin56, 9 years ago
      Maybe one of our art glass experts can help
    2. Ivonne Ivonne, 9 years ago
      As far as I know a single letter F and a number is known as Harrach mark,but I,m not an expert at Harrach glass....
    3. robin56 robin56, 9 years ago
      I have looked a litthe better at the marking. It appears to be an "I" 44. Try Imperial Glass Art Glass Vases
    4. MipsCappy, 9 years ago
      Hi Ivonne! Thank you for your comment! I very briefly checked out a few photos of Harrach Glass this morning but will get into it in depth as soon as I can. I'm not an expert in any kind of glass so you are way ahead of me! The only glass I can identify easily is glass that has a marking on it that I know like Hazel Atlas and so forth! I have never collected glass but I couldn't resist this little vase. Thanks again. Marilyn (Belleville, Ontario)
    5. MipsCappy, 9 years ago
      Hi Robin56! Thank you (again) for your comment! The bottom of this vase has some very old sediment on it inside. I did wash it some time ago but I was afraid to scrub it as I thought I might damage it. I put a little vinegar in it this morning to see if I could get rid of the sediment in order that we can see the mark on the base better. The mark does not show up that well in the photo although I am surprised that it showed up as well as it did. The letter is definitely not an I that I can see myself as it has a jut out to the right about half way down and then the jut from the top which also goes to the right. The jut that is half way down does not touch the vertical line - there is a space between the vertical line and the horizontal line which I think makes it into an F. But let's see if I can clean it up a bit more. If I can I will post another photo. The other thing that I found a little while ago when checking art glass on Images is an item that has the exact same decoration on it, including the colour of the decoration and it was noted as being made by Moser. Doesn't have a Moser mark that I could find so I thought perhaps the mark could be a pattern number or something similar. Thank you again for your comment. Marilyn (Belleville, Ontario)

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