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Vintage Lucky Strike --- Jointed Wood Lure 6 inches ( plug )

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Fishing Lures62 of 251Len Thompson Red White Number 24 in Original Box IDENTIFICATION HOLLOW BRASS BODY FISHING LURE
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1469 items)

    Hi CW Gang:

    Here is one for the CW Boys ( and girls ) if you love fishing. This is from my tackle box here. I know I bought this Lucky Strike sometime in the Early 1970's as My Dad was still alive and in Good Health. I bought it from the store at the lake as my Brother would always catch Jackfish ( aka PIKE ) when we would troll in the boat. So I bought one even though I loved the basic Red/White, or the 5 of Diamonds metal lures. So I thought I would try this. The Wax price is still a bit visible on the side and I think I paid like either $ 2.75 for it or $ 4.75 and that was big money for a lure. Mind you, it was at the store there and everything was priced higher right there.....LOL

    So I guess a bit vintage now as about 40 + years old. I love Fishing as I find it SO relaxing!! Haven't gone fishing for a long time, but you never know..........and YES, I know how to fillet the Pike. This lure is Marked on the front metal part. All the items in my tackle box are still from around that same date, as I just do not get fishing anymore and then with Rotater Cuff ( shoulder ) problems it makes it hard to cast.....LOL

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!!!

    ~ Rose ~

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    1. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      I wish I had time to learn more about lures. There are so many fascinating designs and colors.
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      LOL....@ AzTom...You do not need to learn anything, as LONG as the Fish bite who cares LOL

      j/kidding of course..
    3. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      I have fond memories of fishing with my dad:) thank you for posting.

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