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Insulators158 of 372Hemingray May 2 1893 Insulator Smaller VersionGlass Insulators Part Two Hemingray and Brookfield
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (708 items)

    I used the Bar Keepers Friend cleaner on these....I have to tell you it worked great! One more cleaning and they should be where I want them ;)
    6 Blue 3 Clear

    Left to right info on each.
    1. Brookfield-- B on front, backwards "13" on top.
    2.Brookfield--B on front which is struck a little strangely to the left of the B the glass is raised and connects with the B, backwards 15 on top.
    3.Brookfield--B on front, backwards 15 on top.

    4. WHITALL TATUM No 1 on front, on the back MADE IN U.S.A. under that is 4-44 under that A in circle with a dot to the right top of circle under that 43
    5.WHITALL TATUM No 1 on front, on back MADE IN U.S.A. under that is 3-43 under that A in a circle a dot to right top of circle.
    6. Armstrong's DPI on front, on back MADE IN U.S.A. followed by an A in a circle 36 2:..
    7. HEMINGRAY on front, on back No 40
    8. HEMINGRAY on front, on back No40
    9.HEMINGRAY below that No 40, on back PATENTED MAY 2, 1893

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    1. sslam sslam, 9 years ago
      Nice...Look like they cleaned up pretty well. I've used barkeepers helper for many years arround the house, love it. It just did not work too well on my sooted up pieces. But looks like you got it to work on yourz, they look good.
    2. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      I've heard of Barkeepers Helper or Bartenders Helper, but have never used it. How well does it work on stainless steel, anyone know???
    3. sslam sslam, 9 years ago
      Actually the one I used is called barkeepers friend. So not sure if it is the same as what Melanie is talking about. I use it on everything including stainless it takes out stains, rust etc. Had no luck with it getting soot or haze off the glass insulators though. It's a powder you wet and make into a paste.
    4. sslam sslam, 9 years ago
      Actually they have one specifically made for stainless steel.
    5. melaniej melaniej, 9 years ago
      Sslam is correct it's Bar Keepers Friend
      ....but the one I purchased isn't a's a thick liquid....kinda the consistency of Soft Scrub. Found it at Walmart.
    6. sslam sslam, 9 years ago
      Yeah, I know they also have soft scrub, but I have never used it, will have to check it out.
    7. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      OK, great. Thanks Melanie & Salem. I'm off to Wally-World tomorrow, then, to pick me up a bottle. [;>)
    8. melaniej melaniej, 9 years ago
      I have found a couple ideas on making rustic wall sconces with these.
      My hubby has some work to do ;)

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