Posted 9 years ago
(3471 items)
Seems I could use a part 3 on this as there are a few more views I would like to share. Starting off from a motor side view. And see I did rewind it. Next moving on the case.
The case has a space on top for the reels and another on the side for the heavy duty cord. Hopefully it will fare better than my Bell and Howell cord which did a fine job of frying the power strip. The power strip shakes like a rattle now. Used another power strip to test this one.
Anyway in photo 4 is the view I first had of it.
I still need slides for my slide projector and some 8mm films.
You definitely scored big time on this one ~ looks like it was hardly used! [;>)
This is so cool! My uncle used to make family movies and show them on these old machines. We were all totally blinded by the lights when he filmed us so everyone is squinting in the shows! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much agsain NevadaBlades.
Thank you very much brunswick.
Thank you very much mareredware. We had the 4 bulb camera used for home movies when I was a I kind. Not sure what happened to the camera but it was pretty cool.
Thank you
Thank you SEAN68.