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Multi Colored Glass Vase

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Art Glass9415 of 22787Anchor Hocking Red & Clear Striped Candy DishOrange Glass Cornucopia Candy Dish?
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (348 items)

    Got this at the flea market today. It has many different vertical colored stripes and is about 9 inches tall. Not sure how old or who maker is. I think it is pretty. No markings that I can tell.

    I added new photos of the bottom. All I see is the silhouette of a cat, lol!

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    1. Deano Deano, 9 years ago
      Love it. What does the bottom look like. A few different makers came out with these, including Chinese, but also including Murano.
    2. Deano Deano, 9 years ago
      I see the 2nd photo and what looks to be a big divot ground into the bottom, if so, that probably makes it a Chinese version. It's still a beautiful piece and much better looking than other Chinese Vases of this type, that I have seen.
    3. jeneric jeneric, 9 years ago
      It does have a little divot on the bottom. I like it anyway, so it was a good day to me!
    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Very Nice -- BUT -- are my eyes playing tricks on me as in the second photo it looks like something is written on the bottom......anyone else see what I mean??

      can you take a pic of maybe it is nothing.....?.......?.........?
    5. jeneric jeneric, 9 years ago
      Yes I will post another picture of the bottom.
    6. jeneric jeneric, 9 years ago
      What do you see antiquerose??
    7. jeneric jeneric, 9 years ago
      Antiquerose what do you see?

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