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Cash Registers78 of 93McCaskey Cash Register?National cash register
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (47 items)

    WELL HERE'S ANOTHER 1 FOR YA! I cant get into it-my 2 kids want me to break it--but I said no-lets talk to the COLLECTORS-SEE WHAT THAY RECCOMENED!! so anybody have any idea's on opening up this big thing?--IT WEIGHS A TON!!! (NO KIDDING)- IF ANYBODY HAS ANY INFO--PLEASE LET ME KNOW--I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT!! AND WHY IS IT SO HEAVY? IT GOT LEAD IN IT -O-MY!!!! I THANK YOU-FOR ANY INFO--THANKS-C-DOGG

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    1. Tucker10, 14 years ago
      I have one just like this. Sorry I can't provide any info. Wish I could though. I can say that you are certainly correct about the weight. It weighs a TON!!
      Please let me know if you find out any info on its value.
    2. officialfuel officialfuel, 14 years ago
      Do you have it plugged in when trying to open? Do you have the key or keys?
    3. codydogg, 14 years ago
      WHATS UP TUCKER10"-THAT IS COOL I KNOW-THAT THERES ANOTHER 1 OUT THERE!And will do-as far as info on it! I will pass it onto you!! If I ever get any info-Thanks C-dog
    4. codydogg, 14 years ago
      HELLO OFFICIALFUEL"-How R YOU?-I THINK WE HAVE TALKED BEFORE-ON SOMETHING-(not sure what-)but anyway-If I hade the key-I think it would be asking just the 1 question-is this GIANT THING worth anything! its very large! but I have no-keys!(witch kinda stinks)-as far as plugging it in-I have not yet-because the coard is a little dry-& cracking all over it-not falling apart-yet! but it looks a little scary-but ill get to try that soon-but I was going to wait for some input 1st--because-my 2-cents thinnks plugging it in-with no key isnt going to help much!(but i really dont know much about these things-thats why im asking!So if you know-im all ears!! THANKS c-dog
    5. codydogg, 14 years ago
      THANK YOU!!! FOR YOUR IN-PUT--I REALLY APP"IT! PLUS GOT A LAPH OUT OF IT TOO--THATS A BONUS! My 2 little guys will be disapointed-about this thing! But thay love that show with mike wolfe-so my wife will do the facebook thing with the bike for them& me to! Im really curious about that bike-and why it has U.S racing tires on it! plus why no brakes and 1 speed-its 1 odd bike! It has numbers on the bottom of the crankcase-(ware thay useully are)-would that help out in any way-to find out what year its from-who made it -etc"?
      well just a thought--THANKS AGAIN!! and if i get any info I will be sure to pass it on! have a good TGIF! plus a great weekend too!--c/dogg
    6. codydogg, 14 years ago
      WHATS UP AR8 Jason~~how r you- I know all about that saying"- boat anchor!!-im a boater/fisherman for many years-plus use to run old hotrods back in the day! so ive come across a few boat anchors over the last few years! (or my friends have ran out & bought a motor without really checking it out)-Its funny to say you got a boat anchor here!! -so the boys were a bit bummed-but then got out a few magnets-to see whats inside that very heavy reggie--then thay got really bummed-it's all steel-not much for the mongo pile!!lol:):) (thay know whats the good stuff for the mongo pile!!) SO THANKS for all the advice for the reggie-I app"-it! THATS VERY cool you do that with the family-strip it down for a nice size mongo pile-to cash in //in the spring!!so i have 1 thought for you--since its really not worth much of anything either way!! how does putting in a corner-with a cover over it-and forget about it for the next 20 years!for my kids~~ kids? since nobody wants them now// my guys will have 1 stashed away for 30 to 40 years--then will it be worth something-since everybody scraped the others-it will be the last 1-- if it dont rust away!!lol:):)when you fet a min'-let me know what you think-about that idea!thanks again--have a great 3 day weekend!!!c-dogg

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