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Edo Japanese Plate w/ Ming marks

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (5053 items)

    I think that this is a very good plate! it just looks right. unfortunately, there's a pretty good size chip near the rim. can anyone tell me about it? thanks!

    Mystery Solved
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    1. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      there is quite a bit of confusion on fb as to whether this is Ming Chenghua, Kangxi, or Japanese. i'm trying to get some clarification.
    2. Artistinside Artistinside, 9 years ago
      Dearest H02,
      No question, this is Japanese, most likely Taisho period (1913-1926), with a mark that copies the mark of the Ming dynasty Chenghua period. Nice find, in decent condition from what I see. Regards, Kirk
    3. Artistinside Artistinside, 9 years ago
      Also, almost always the single blue ring on the base indicates Japanese.
    4. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      thank you Artistinside!
    5. laurak, 9 years ago
      Check out Xuande characters on this Ming link.
    6. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      thank you laurak! i heard back from the Japanese FB page and they believe that it is from the Edo period.
    7. laurak, 9 years ago
      Great! So happy you found your answer. It's a beautiful plate.
    8. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      thank you laurak!
    9. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      general consensus amongst the pros on fb say 1710 or so for this plate.
    10. Artistinside Artistinside, 9 years ago
      Dear Ho2,
      I think that date is wishful thinking on FB's part. More research before I would ever date that piece that early, especially if you plan to sell it. This link should help,
      See: Arita - Imitating Chinese Ming dynasty Chenghua mark
      My opinion. Regards, K
    11. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      This is very similar to a recent find of mine.
    12. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      those folks are pros on the fb site. they went round and round about it, and their reasoning is very sound. i haven't found photos of anything close to this one which is late 19th/early 20th century, but i have found plenty of very, very similar ones from the 18th century.
    13. flyintheointment, 6 years ago
      This is very consistent with the Edo era and I would see no reason to believe it is from a later date. I am not aware of or know what the FB site the other person is referring to but as an antiques dealer and court executor for 35 years I regularly see many of these old Edo pieces. We imported a lot and so did the Europeans who later came here and brought the stuff with them. I have seen brand new sets over 300 yrs old still in their original wood boxes. I have an invoice from the Arita Fukagawa Company in Nagasaki dated 1907 and you would laugh at the prices! But when converted into today's dollars, they were not cheap. A punch bowl was 30 dollars in 1907 dollars, that same bowl would cost approximately $853.00 in today's dollar value. For every 1 dollar spent back then was like spending $28.45. The Japanese porcelain had lost a lot of it's value with collectors over the last 25 yrs but I think it is going to pick up again.
    14. apostata apostata, 5 years ago
      i got an opinion too its japanese we forget the genghua mark because it is bull....

      this is Fukagawa around 1720 and i got no doubt at all
    15. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 4 years ago
      thank you apostata! i didn't know that it was Fukagawa, but the date is pretty close to what i thought.

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