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USS Kentucky SSBN 737

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (321 items)

    I have attended two lauching of Navy ships one being the USS Pearl Harbor and the USS Kentucky. Kentucky was launched on Aug. 11, 1990
    it was the third Navy ship to be named Kentucky. The first was a battleship BB-6 launch 1898, the second Kentucky battleship BB-66 was started during WW2, but was cancelled after the war ended. The third Kentucky is a Ohio class Trident submarine that is 550 ft long and weights in at 18,700 tons.

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    1. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Thank you Pop and James
    2. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Thank you AR8Jason
    3. beachbomb beachbomb, 13 years ago
      I've spent 21 years of my life on these beasts, stationed on the Ohio, Maryland and Wyoming. Been to sea as an inspector on most of the east coast Tridents, including Kentucky. They are massive and have an unbelievable amount of technology onboard. I'm a proud submariner!! Not everyone could handle this kind of life, ALOT of time away from family, missed holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries. And, you're locked in a tube for very long times without sunlight and fresh air! Nice picture!
    4. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 13 years ago
      beachbomb, Thanks for your comments and your 21 years as a Navy man!!!

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