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Dad Happy Fathers Day :) June 19, 2011

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (291 items)

    Rest in Peace Dad, killed Jan.13, 2010 in an auto accident, He was a very Proud WWII Veteran! the letter is from his (Navy Buddy) when serving in wartime 1945, the letter was written in 1990

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    1. Driewer Driewer, 14 years ago
      Killed? Accident? Sorry for your loss and I thank him for serving!
    2. Mrj303 Mrj303, 14 years ago
      I was wondering the same thing.
    3. Grendelking Grendelking, 14 years ago
      Unless I'm mistaken, from the gist of the hand written letter, the gentleman was killed while serving on the ship. The letter relates what happened on that day.
    4. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 14 years ago
      a letter to validate the actions of that day during wartime, Dad was killed in an auto accident Jan 13, 2010 / born 12/26/1925, his ship was commissioned 12/26/1944 he was 19 years old
    5. Mrj303 Mrj303, 14 years ago
      I am so sorry for your loss Deanteaks.
    6. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      A beautiful remembrance.
    7. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 9 years ago
      Off topic--But that is the best looking guy I've ever seen. Did you inherit those looks. I had a wonderful dad too! Movie star looks... Men are not as good looking I guess as in much earlier says! That is great you have a letter from his friend. I have no mementos whatsoever from my dad and I wish I did They would be able to touch my heart on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing!
    8. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 9 years ago
      OOOPS--Meant to say "Men are not as good looking,I guess , as in much earlier days" Dad, is a "dreamboat" of a sailor!

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