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Honda Motorcycles95 of 97HONDA NIGHTHAWK 750 1984Recently restoring this 1974 Honda XR 75.  Pictures taken 8/1/2010
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (10 items)

    Found this baby in the basement. From what I can tell it is a cb 175 Honda. I don't think it has been started in 20 years. Does anyone know a date this bike would have been manufactured? Or how much work it would take to get it up and running? It would be a sweet around town bike. Thanks.

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    1. Dgormley, 15 years ago
      Rukus, that would be a 1973 model, the serial No. should start with cb175-8xxxxxx. That will make an excellent around town bike. You will have to at least treat the tank and carbs to a good freshening up, as well as an oil change and points adjustment. My guess is it needs a battery as well. Check the tire sidewalls for cracks. Good luck..............................D. Oh, can the backrest!
    2. unclrukus unclrukus, 15 years ago
      Thanks for the information.
    3. Bill, 14 years ago
      Sweet bike. I'm thinking very hard on buying a '72 CB175 this weekend. Just curious, but you found it in THE basement? As in your own basement?
    4. unclrukus unclrukus, 14 years ago
      I don't know if you've seen the horders show, but I'm living the cleaning out part. The sad thing is it's still in the basement. Waiting on the DMV to get me a title.
    5. Bill, 14 years ago
      Gotcha, well good luck to you on the cleaning out, as well as taking that bike out!
    6. mantique_collector, 14 years ago
      So... did you ever get this bike on the road?
    7. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      lol......this was my first Motorcycle (after a Mini Bike) Same Color and everything.

      After all, what's a Teen-Age Girl to do on a Farm.....Ride Motorcycle with her Brothers!!

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