Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
I came across this the other day. Can anyone tell me anything about it? Are there any markings I should be looking for as to the year. I think it is pre 1940's. Saw something very similar that was an auto cycle. What is it worth in this condition. Please help!
looks to be late 40's early 50's straight bar schwinn. maybe a panther or a hornet. you can look the serial number up and it will get you the month and year the bike was made. schwinn did a good job of keeping records.
Thanks, where will I find the serial number?
I think on schwinns they are on the rear drop outs by the rear axle.
Here's a link to help you date it:
You say you "came across this the other day." Did you buy it?
No. Not yet. I want to find out exactly what it is and what it is worth in the condition it is in. I do have access to it.
Thanks for the link. I found the serial #. Looks like it is from 1950, but the numbers overlap on 9/21 and 9/29. It does not give the model.
Looks like it is a Hornet. The Panther was chrome in 1950, the Hornet was not, and the Panther had the spring where the fork met the frame the Hornet did not in 1950. Can anyone confirm.
Looks like it. The seats been replaced though:,r:0,s:0&tx=136&ty=74
Looks like it. I think the Hornet was a bit cheaper than the Panther...
I just picked up a '51 Schwinn from the original owner, it's missing the tank and rear rack but has the same colors as yours. Like mine, yours has the skip-tooth 'sweetheart' sprocket!