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old coke bottles

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Coke Bottles475 of 475Coca Cola Bottles From AbroadGlass Coke Collectables
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (2 items)

    these are some coca cola, tab, rc cola bottles date between 70's and 80's not sure if they are worth anything or not if anybody can help me out id greatly appreciate it

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    1. philfreo philfreo, 15 years ago
      You can get at least 5 cents apiece for them in California ;)
    2. CWfan CWfan, 15 years ago
      That is a massive collection of glass bottles you have. If you haven't yet, you should check on the Collector's Weekly resource page about Coca-Cola Bottles to find more information about your collection. You can view interviews that have taken place specifically on the topic you are collecting. There are also multiple web pages you can surf through that Collector's Weekly have picked out just for Coca-cola collecting. Good luck!
    3. Karen, 15 years ago
      I have an 8 pack of the same bottles shown in the first picture. They are full and each one has different markings on the bottom. How do I find out if they are worth anything? Please help
    4. corey, 14 years ago
      there very nice. ive been looking for coke ones for awhile. so hard to find.

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