Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
All hardware is marked Western Electric. No ID on the box. Guarantee on label has a date of 1905. Was used in Wilmington, NC up till 1940. Phone number 12.
Receiver is WE can't read part number, but dated 1918
Magneto is WE 50F
Transmitter is WE 229W
Looks like a Central Telephone set to me. This is one of the models built a little different from there standard models. However, your sets does have mixed model parts from other manufactures to complete it. The magneto is a Western Electric model 50-F used in test sets. Receiver is not original, The transmitter is in question can't make out photo. All other parts are correct. Your set is earlier than most Central set thus a little harder to identify.
I think you have a Western Electrical Company single box wall telephone manufactured in Omaha, NE around 1907. There tag used the lettering WESCO.
I agree with Steve there is mixed parts on this phone.
i was givin' a 1907 or 1911 western electric crank phone... all is original and a looks in very good condition.... it is just missing the batterys!!! can anyone tell me the value of the phone might be or the range they go for!