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1943 AAF Beech AT-11

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    One of my favorite pick so far. Plan on restoring to flying condition. This is a WWII aircraft used by the Army Air Force to train bombing. It had a Norden Bombsight, and a bombbay that held 10 100lb bombs. So of them also had a gun turret on the top.

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    1. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      Great plane.
    2. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      You will keep us posted on progress?
    3. Sagehopper, 14 years ago
      Wd love to see it fly!! Bring it to display at the Reno Air Races when you are done!!
    4. southernpicker99 southernpicker99, 14 years ago
      man thts a super nice peice
    5. ericatpw, 14 years ago
      If you would like to see the progress just go to
    6. Driewer Driewer, 13 years ago
      Where did you get this!!? :o Wow!
    7. Stacey, 13 years ago
      You know ericatpw we have the WWII Museum in New Orleans LA....
    8. tlmbaran tlmbaran, 13 years ago
      where did you find this?

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