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Art Deco Silver plate Teapot

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Kettles270 of 319spirit heated copper,brass & pewter coffee / tea makerLard Container
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (7 items)

    Teapot stands about 6 inches tall. The handle and the knob on hinged lid, appear to be Bakelite. This is an extremely heavy and sturdy teapot. Very Art Deco in appearance but unfortunately, it has no identification marks. I'm pretty sure it's silverplate. I'd love to know more about this teapot, such as who made it and what kind of value it holds. It is very similar in appearance to the vintage teapots marked Christofle - from the 20-30's. I recently purchased it at a tag sale.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      A fabulous shape!
    2. CinnaMomma CinnaMomma, 13 years ago
      Stunning piece~
    3. jjbilow, 13 years ago
      I have this teapot with the creamer. It is crudely made, but someone who had one said they were told it is silver - very heavy. My husband thinks it may be German siliver (silver with nickel). It is definitely not plated. Someone online had a picture of them with a Paris sticker on the bottom. I keep meaning to take it in to see what it is made of. They are really cool art deco teapots.
    4. solver solver, 13 years ago
      It really is a fabulous art deco piece and does resemble the Christofle tea set designed by Christian Fjerdingstadt:

      jjbilow, German silver does NOT contain any silver. It's an alloy of copper, nickel, zinc, and tin. The trade name is Alpacca and it's also referred to as nickel silver.
      See "alpaca"
    5. solver solver, 13 years ago

      I think we will both be up for awhile looking at the incredible objects on the modernism site that has the Christofle tea set. :-)
    6. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Well done, solver!
      It had reminded me of a Puiforcat design that I'd come across years ago.
      You have found the right one tho', well done solver.
      Thanks for the modernist site, too!
      French silver marks can be very tiny and can be in the less than obvious spots.

      You have been really lucky to have picked this piece, jjbilow. Congratulations!
    7. emanueljay, 2 years ago
      Back in the late 80's or early 90's I purchased this Tea Set from the LA Mart. The LA Mart was where you would go to purchase Decorative items for resale. At the time we liked the design and knew it was a copy of a the beautiful Christofle tea set. As mentioned above the pieces are heavy and the quality is questionable. The bottom of ours still has a clear sticker on it which reads: Escapade - Paris. Hope this helps.

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