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Restored Australian BOOMAROO toys.

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (30 items)

    Boomaroo Toys, manufactured in Australia, were pretty-much direct copies of American-built Nylint toys. They didn't just "exactly" copy Nylint, but their new dies were certainly direct knockoffs. There is even one school-of-thought that Nylint was aware of this practice and allowed, or even encouraged, it.

    The Boomaroo Tournadozer is a bit smaller scale than the corresponding Nylint Tournadozer. Plus, it has a vastly-different mechanism to raise and lower the blade. It is a very nice piece. VERY badly pitted and rusted when I received it. It looked as though it had been buried! However, after restoration and custom-made decals (originals are now available), the dozer really pops.

    The farm tractor was unique to Boomaroo - Nylint never made a farm tractor - but, the body and engine compartment was no more than the body and engine assembly from a Nylint Tournarocker turned around 180 degrees and facing the other way! Ingenious. I love the big heavy rear wheels. I chose blue and red and grey cause I thought it mimicked the original "toy" look of the Boomaroo.

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    1. fourpeepsake fourpeepsake, 13 years ago
      Beautiful work jpzank. Obviously a labor of love.
    2. packrat-place packrat-place, 13 years ago
      What a great job! I really like them.
    3. AzTom AzTom, 13 years ago
      Nice saves! I love saving old toys like this, just feels sooo good.

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