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Matchbox Major Packs and King Size

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Matchbox Cars554 of 595Updated Matchbox 1-75 Regular Wheel pictures...These Plymouth Furys and Packard convertables were hard to find...
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (30 items)

    I decided to update my pictures!

    First two pictures are my Major Packs and Kings, plus a few other jewels... HUSKYs, IMPYs, CORGIs, BUDGIEs, MERCURYs, LLEDOs, HOT WHEELS, TOOTSIETOYs, a couple models and a couple special Russian Diecasts.

    The third picture has my Major Pack Car Transporter filled with some very rare and near-mint #22 Vauxhall Crestas! Three of the four purchased in 2011.

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    1. packrat-place packrat-place, 13 years ago
      Wow! great collection.
    2. flyrr100, 13 years ago
      My Dad had a Vauxhall Cresta. I remember driving to the ocean when we were kids. No AC in those days. And those lovely vinyl seats!
      I love your collection.
    3. mbx_boy, 13 years ago
      I love your collection!
    4. mbx_boy, 13 years ago
      What is that blue pickup and yellow semi?
    5. jpzank jpzank, 13 years ago
      The blue pickup is a 2nd-place finisher in a "Promo Model Contest." Everyone who entered had to start with the exact same model - the first year redesign of the Dodge Ram Pickup. I'm guessing the promo was an AMT.

      I chose to open up the hood and remove most of the molding details from the sides of the pickup. Also, I added a lengthened Dodge Cornet 440 chassis and running gear. Finally, I fashioned a custom Tonneau Cover from very thin gauge vinyl. It turned out very nicely, but I still only finished 2nd out of about 13 entries...

      The Truck is a model of a triple-jet-powered Peterbuilt Conventional World-Record Holder drag-truck. Here is a picture link of the real truck...

      My model turned out very nicely. Still looks great and I enjoy owning it. JP

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