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old Pepsi bottles

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Cola and Pop Bottles483 of 565pepsi cola bottleFOUND JUST LYING AROUND
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (179 items)

    I had a home health patient give these to me yesterday. From what I have been able to find out it seems the 4 bottles to the right (single dots) are from the 50s and valued around $10 each? The 2 bottles to the left have the embossed pepsicola on them but they lack any sort of label and the top half of the bottles have a slightly dimpled pattern compared to the other 4 bottles. I have attached photos of the bottom of these two bottles. Anyone have any info on these? My kids loved em when I brought them home, each kid got 2 bottles after I cleaned them up. One thing I discovered though is that you should not soak the outside of these bottles in bleach water. I thought it would help to whiten them when in fact it slightly browned the labels..suspect it burned them somehow. Was bummed to see that but they are still cool! They were really "farm fresh" when I brought them home. And thank you to Mr Campbell for the gift!

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