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Antique wash stand with pitcher and basin

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (22 items)

    This is one of my favorite pieces. The date on the bottom of the basin is 1888. It's stamped Heatherstone England and very heavy ceramic type material.

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    1. treece76 treece76, 13 years ago
      Thank you!!!
    2. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      I can not tell you about the picther/bowl set and matching thunder mug, but I can tell you the stand was imported and sold by AA imports a major purveyor of Antique Reproductions in the 1980's. They also imported and sold a lot of china and glass.
    3. treece76 treece76, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the info rocker-sd!!
    4. treece76 treece76, 13 years ago
      Lol Bellin!!
    5. soniaPorto, 13 years ago
      I have one just the same except my basin set is a bit different but the stand is identical. Its sooooooo beautiful, I only wish I knew what it was worth.
    6. Kathycat Kathycat, 13 years ago
      THIS IS SO SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I can see why it's your favorite piece, it would be my favorite also. I just LOVE IT!!!! WOW!
    7. treece76 treece76, 13 years ago
      Thank you Kathycat! Soniaport, me too.
    8. jfriedel69, 11 years ago
      I got a pitcher and wash basin.
      on the bottom of the two have a marking it's BR 81. What does that stand for
    9. n.lea, 10 years ago
      I have the same wash stand w/basi and pitcher, I love mine but it is sitting in the storage shead, I wish I new what it was worth, I would love to sell it to some-one who would love it also.I had mine for 25 yrs. and brought it from an antique dealer back then. If anyone knows who would like it I would really appreciate it, I have so many antiques, that are in storage, I just moved to n.c.and dont have room for all the hull vases,and fenton vaces, Thank-you so very much. n.lea
    10. kelly111, 10 years ago
      n.lea I actually live in nc and have been looking for one of these I live close too charlotte if you've found out anything about it or the price I just might be interested! thanks so much!

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