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Scandinavian Pottery Vase?~Unrecognized mark

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Scandinavian Pottery231 of 237JOSEF EKBERG  GUSTAVSBERG 1927Lisa Larson's Bulldog for Gustavsberg ???
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (314 items)

    Well made and beautifully glazed pot that I believe to be Scandinavian.
    It's signed on the bottom with what may be the conjoined letters E & B, ( which I at first took to be A & B ). It stands approximately 6 1/2 inches high.
    The mark looks familiar to me, but I can't place it.
    Any ideas?
    As always, Thanks for looking and thanks for the helpful comments.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Just a thought bubble.
      It might be German too!
      AB or EB are both possibilities.
      I like the decoration too!
    2. AmberRose AmberRose, 13 years ago
    3. Budek Budek, 13 years ago
      Thank You Vetraio, I'll keep that in mind in my searching. You're kind to comment, I hope that one of these days I'll be able to help someone as you, daily, do.
    4. Budek Budek, 13 years ago
      Hello Amber Rose, and Thank You. I agree that it suggests Arabia. I'll give that some thought.
      I appreciate that you took the time to write, have a good night, T
    5. Budek Budek, 13 years ago
      And Thank You, Bellin. You have a fine eye, I appreciate that you look at any of my things. Goodnight and Thanks again, T.
    6. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      Season's Greetings to you and Yours, Tonino!
    7. SkadiVintage SkadiVintage, 11 years ago
      Hello, I know this has been a couple of years, but I am quite certain that signature is EB and that it is the signature of Eva Børresen a noted Norwegian ceramicist. By coincidence I had just seen an example of her signature on a NorskKunst article I have.

      Her work is incredibly difficult to find, and it's even difficult to find examples of her work online !! I hope you still have that piece ! She was born in Germany, 1920, Eva Elizabeth Hecker - moved to Norway 1939 married Runar Børresen (also a noted ceramicist). She is still LIVING from what I can find, and it looks like her children, maybe nephews and/or grandchildren also work in ceramics to some acclaim.

      Here's a link to a 2006 article with a nice image of Eva (article's in Norwegian)
      It pretty much just says 'except for a pain in her back from 60 years of making pottery' etcetc and talks about her family. Very nice.

      P.S. Arabia marks are NEVER the initials AR, as a matter of fact I've never seen a single piece that didn't have the word Arabia fully spelled out.
    8. Budek Budek, 11 years ago
      Dear SkadiVintage, Wonderful!.
      Yes, I still have it, standing within reach as I write.
      So exciting to know something about it, Thank You!!!
      I'll check out the link and get back to you if I learn anything more.
      You're very kind to share this information, Thanks again,
    9. monanith, 10 years ago
      Hallo to you from Norway
      I am sure this is Eva Borresen (Børresen), Norway.
      I my self have been searching for the same signature and found a collectors article, in norwegian, but with some photos of different designers.
      Best regards and Merry Christmas
    10. Budek Budek, 10 years ago
      Thank You, mononith!
      You're very kind to comment, and I appreciate it greatly
      Best regards and wishes to you for a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!
    11. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
    12. monanith, 10 years ago
      My pleasure :)
      Of course I ment to write '. . . photos of different designers marks / signatures' in my first comment.
      Not much help in photographs of the designer, he he
    13. SkadiVintage SkadiVintage, 10 years ago
      haha Monaninth - that is EXACTLY where I originally first saw her signature. You see I came to Sweden just 4 years ago, with no friends and nothing to do. My mother suggested checking out some 'Scandinavian pottery' as she, my grandmother and I have all collected ceramics over the years.

      Well she said Swedish pottery, but for me it turned into Scandinavian and I have spent well over a year, maybe 2 browsing/shopping second hand shops, buying things THEN doing research on the maker. Very much fun. I had so much fun doing the research, I would spend sometimes 8, 10 hours a day reading, doing searches online or simply looking at different examples of work & memorizing signatures (still not that great at it HA) I downloaded copies of signatures, with examples of work. If the signature is a monogram or symbol, I put them in a separate file. There's no way to read them, you just have to know them or look for them. But if you stare at them long enough - believe me you learn! IT WORKS, because as soon as I saw this signature I knew exactly whose it was, even though I have none of her work - and in fact it is very difficult to find very many examples of her work.

      That PDF link you provided is an example of one of the many things I downloaded in my pursuit of knowledge. And it has paid off, to a certain extent - because I now have a collection of pottery (och också konstglas, metall, trä, plast, och mycket mer (eller 'og mye mer') ) that is as awesome as it is extensive.
      So much I'm having to box up a lot of it now, I have nowhere to put it! But how can I resist when I'm paying 4 to 55 krona for hand made studio art pottery that is older than I am (and that's OLD haha). The most I think I ever paid was 200 sek for TWO pieces by Per Liliengren - a 33 cm vägglyktan and matching 12.5 cm prydnadsägg. Thats only about $25 usd !! I'm paying 4 krona, around 60-70 cents for Ulla Winblad, or the tiniest vintage A&J Höganäs bowls with glossy yellow glaze that I can find absolutely no information on.
    14. GaleHund, 10 years ago
      I know this is solved - but just want to add a comment. This is for sure made by Eva Børresen - She is now 94 years old - and live with her daugther and her family in Fredrikstad. Eva actually had an exhibition just some years ago when she was 90(!!)
      Here daughter Bibbi Børresen also work with ceramics - and they are sharing a studio.
      I am lucky to have met Eva several times - and she is a very sweet lady :)

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