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Cut Glass Bowls

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American Brilliant Cut Glass143 of 173My Great Grandmother's Libbey Cut Glass Sugar and Creamermy 91/4 dia 1/2 thk 4"tall
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (7 items)

    I love these bowls and would like to learn more about them. They belonged to my great-grandmother. She moved from New York around 1910 - 1912. We think she brought them with her. She died young, and the larger bowl was cherished by my grandmother, and my great aunt had the smaller bowl. They were passed to my father, then to me. I find them beautiful.

    The larger bowl in the first photograph measures: 9-1/4" x 3-7/8"

    The shallow bowl in the second photograph measures: 8-3/4" x 2-1/2"

    I have checked the bottoms and do not find a signature or mark, but then again I may not know what I am looking for.

    Is it safe to display them where they will get direct sunlight for a few morning hours?

    What I do know is how difficult it is to try to get a quality photograph!

    Thank you

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    1. whatisit, 13 years ago
      Thank you! Very informative article. This is much more challenging to identify than china and other wares.

      I am thrilled not only to have these family pieces, but an art medium where American's excelled! Indeed, from one of the more graceful periods of our history.

    2. mark mark, 13 years ago
      whatisit......I answered your nappy last night, it is on my page.

      I suggest you head to the book store and pick up cut glass books by Boggess. The paper back edition is a good place to start then you can advance forward.
      Bowls could be signed on the bottom on a clear section but most are stamped in or around the inside bottom of the bowl. Move the piece around under a good source of light. Look inside the bowl with the light refecting, move it around slowley. Sometimes I use outdoor light. Most of the American cut glass is not signed that is why you will need to build up a good book collection to find patterns. mark
    3. whatisit, 13 years ago
      Thank you Mark and ROBinHawaii. This learning experience is going to be great fun.

      I have discovered that I have another piece! A relish dish to be posted as soon as it is photographed.
    4. KarenRz, 13 years ago
      The first piece, a bowl, 9 x 4", looks like Libbey's Colonna pattern. It would be nice to see the pattern on the inside, the only way to determine any pattern. If correct, this piece should be signed Libbey.
    5. KarenRz, 13 years ago
      To whatisit, here is a link to the pattern of your bowl on the left, Libbey's "Colonna" pattern. Thankfully there was an accurate and clear picture already on the internet of it:
    6. whatisit, 13 years ago
      Karen Rz, Thank you! I still have not found a Libby mark. I will work on getting a photo from the top. I sure think you hit it!

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