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Coca Cola Sign Crazy!

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Coke Signs800 of 1123My favorite Coca-Cola sign1930's Coke Porcelain Side - Double Sided
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (21 items)

    I want to my first auction last weekend to buy Coca Cola items and was able to get a couple things. The things I got at that auction are the 1955 flat bottle thermometer in the third pic and plastic sign in pic four. Most of the other stuff went way to high in price at the auction. The first picture is a sign I got on ebay that is from 1940. Also got the Robertson thermometer in pic three from ebay I don't know what year this was made. I bought this thermometer to replace the other one I had like it that was in a little bit rougher shape. The second pic is of another 1954 pilaster sign with the button and original bracket I was able to pick up from a collector. I think I'm addictive to collecting Coca Cola signs along with other Coca Cola items now.

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    1. y3k65 y3k65, 13 years ago
      Thanks BELLIN68, kerry10456, EJW-54 and pickrknows!!!
    2. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      All very nice signs y3K! Don't worry, you're not addicted, you can stop any time... maybe not right now, but any time... next month for sure... ok perhaps in the summer... or... :)
    3. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 13 years ago
      Very nice collection y3k65 really like the pilaster sign great to see it with a button!
    4. y3k65 y3k65, 13 years ago
      Yea, Daddy_Nobuck's thats exactly how it is lol. Thanks for the comment!! Coke.trevor.cola this is my second pilaster sign the other pilaster I put a button on too. I will have to post pictures of all the stuff up in my room soon. Thanks Coke.trevor.cola for the comment!! Thanks stonesfan1, officialfuel and spriteboy42
    5. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      Oh you're hooked alright! Great finds
    6. y3k65 y3k65, 13 years ago
      Thanks Signaholic!

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