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Zenith Long Distance Radio

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (321 items)

    My grandparents purchased this Zenith in 1937/38 and I remember hearing it wasn't cheap. The Zenith was center stage in there home for many years until the T.V. came into play. Back in the late 1950's I had asked my grandfather if i could have that Zenith someday. It was given to me in 1967. I know the model number is R388966 I don't think it's rare, but when I turn the radio on and remember the days we use to sit around and listen to the programs at my grandparents home.

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    1. Bernie Walter, 14 years ago
      WOW, now that's a beautiful radio. Zenith did a nice job making these.
      I have had the privilege of restoring a few like this one.
      This is one to keep, It will only go up in value.
      Bernie Walter
      Vintage Electronics
      1341E George Washington Way
      Richland, Washington, 99354
    2. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Thanks Guttermonk
    3. Aaron McCracken, 14 years ago
      how much is something like this worth? i have the exact radio but its not in as good of shape as yours is.
    4. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Aaron, I haven't kept up on what these Zenith radio are selling for my guess is being restored around 450.00-850.00 not restored 175.00 to 250.00. check on ebay for one like ours.
    5. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Thanks Aaron for you comment.
    6. Aaron McCracken, 14 years ago
      Thank you. I came across one for free and just wanted to see if it was worth anything and if ki could make some cash from it. It still works,just needs cleaned up and maybe some new stain on the wood. Cool radio though for sure.
    7. REED, 14 years ago
      There's nothing like the old console radios....was this one is a beauty
    8. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Reed, No the Zenith is original condition, the speaker cloth cover was replaced back in 1978. The old one had just fallen apart over the years.
    9. REED, 14 years ago
      Your radio is excellent especailly for it's age...I'm almost done restoring was in bad condition when I got it but worth restoring...Your family did an excellent job taking care of it...
    10. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Reed, Yes my grandmother took great care of this radio and I'm the second owner. I hope my daughter will enjoy this radio as much as I have over the years.
    11. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Thank you kerry10456
    12. jlemmings, 14 years ago
      One Beautiful Radio. I Had one and spent many hors on restoring it. Only thing that I had to replace was the cloth. I luckly found the exact cloth at a fabric shop. The Radio was a one owner when I acquired it with three other radios. After restoring the woodwork it was like looking under a piece of glass. The wood on top of the radio that I had was just unbelievable. This radio stands out and no way would I ever depart with it. Keep the Radio it belongs in your family. Great job of keeping it looking like it was bought a few days ago.
    13. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Thank you jlemmings

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