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WWI era 29th Infantry Division uniform

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (88 items)

    Picked this up at the local flea market a month or so ago. It is in perfect condition, it is only missing the collar discs (which were detachable anyway). Came with two overseas caps, pants, leg wraps, and the jacket obviously.

    This is a nice, officer's quality uniform and was probably private purchase. It has Bakelite buttons, two overseas service stripes, honorable discharge stripe (upside down), and a PFC bugle corps rate.

    I love this thing. Hangs proudly on the wall. I've just been looking for some collar discs to finish it off. I would kill for some discs numbered for 113, 114, 115, 116 regiments (the parts of the 29th ID), but might just go for normal US and infantry discs until I can find those (let me know if you have any!)

    29th ID became very famous for it's actions in WWII, it's neat to have something that predates those events.

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    1. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      Nice find! I'm glad you are looking for the correct regiments.
    2. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      The correct way is the only way if you ask me!

      The only issue is that the correct ways are usually much more difficult to locate when you need them.

      I'd love to make it 113th regiment, which is a NJ national guard regiment. Being a Jersey boy myself, I think that would really be cool!
    3. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      While probably most well known for its actions on Omaha Beach, the Division was equally heroic during WW1.

      The 29th suffered a very large percentage of casualties during the final months of the War.


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