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Lionel Flying Yankee Train

In Model Trains > Prewar Lionel Model Trains > Show & Tell.
Prewar Lionel Model Trains13 of 22lionel lines trainPre-War Lionel Standard Gauge Train #318
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (153 items)

    This is a Vintage Toy Train, Lionel Flying Yankee Train, 3-cars and 1-locomotive. This was passed down to me from family and was told it's around 1930's. I do have all the tracks and transformer with it. Engine was not working when I got it, but I had it repaired. Runs well and all lights work.

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    1. coke.moody.antiques, 13 years ago
      This is in nice shape, been looking for one of these for awhile
    2. collector4evr collector4evr, 13 years ago
      BELLINS68, fourpeepsake, lundy, coke.moody.antiques, stonesfan, mikielikesigns, miKKoChristmas11, trunkman, Manikin, eye4beauty, trgrubaugh, cocacoocoo
      Thank you all for the LOVE(-:)
    3. collector4evr collector4evr, 12 years ago
      officialfuel & packrat-place,
      Thank you for the "L".
    4. collector4evr collector4evr, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the love.

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