Posted 13 years ago
(977 items)
This small silver necklace drop was made out of a sterling coin set into a piece of aircraft plexiglass. The back of the plexiglass was painted red.
This type of trench art is a typical item from Australia/ New Guinea using Australian coins. I have several similar necklaces-- some with "New Guinea" engraved on the silver.
This was produced by locals and was very popular with US service members serving in the Pacific.
love this Scott but I am a romantic so these things make me wonder who he was and how much they loved each other . Very special piece ! If only it could talk and tell us the story .
I like to think it was a Valentine's Day gift in 1944. Probably mailed home to the wife and worn for the rest of the war!
I wish that it came with the mailing envelope, so I knew the full story. It is kind of sad that this ever left the family, but at least it is appreciated now.
Sure would have been nice to have a name on it on back . Glad your taking care of it to pass on someday to another care giver . I always think of us collectors as care takers of the past . Great Post !
Thanks for looking scandi and kerry.
Thanks tom.
Thanks vetraio!
Thanks valentine and doc.