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WWII First Special Service Force Dress Uniform.

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Military Jackets and Coats103 of 156ww2 U.S.A. Navy jacketRare Vietnam War US Marine M-1955 Fragmentation Flak Jacket Vest with Duron Plates
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (82 items)

    Complete uniform Jacket, Shirt, Pants, Tie, Belt, and Cap! A pretty nice piece of military history.
    Thought this would make a nice collection to share.

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    1. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      Hi, can you please tell us more about this uniform? Thanks!
    2. northwestrelics northwestrelics, 13 years ago
      We aquired this uniform, along with the Eisenhower jacket at an auction, it was packaged away and we discovered it after having the winning bid.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      What were you bidding on?

      Neat grouping-- any name inside the jacket?


    4. northwestrelics northwestrelics, 13 years ago
      An abandoned storage shed.
    5. northwestrelics northwestrelics, 13 years ago
      No name just the sizes. We also found a bus ticket stub good for military personnel to Ft. Lewis.
    6. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Looks great to me-- the braid on the garrison cap is correct.

      I'd double check the patch-- usually from the inside you can see if another patch was added later. It will usually show the shadow of an old patch sewing.

      It looks like it was a great day for you at the auction!

    7. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      miKKoChristmas - that USA Canada patch would make this fellow a member of the First Special Service Force, A joint American-Canadian unit that was the forerunner of both US and Canadian Special Forces. They were also known as the Devil's Brigade, and there is a movie by that name that's probably more entertaining than educational, but helps explain their fame.

      Scot's right to be skeptical and check the area of the patch - there seems to be more 1st SSF uniforms and patches now than there was then!
    8. northwestrelics northwestrelics, 13 years ago
      My wife have both looked and there does not appear to have ever had another patch on this jacket, everything looks very original, I also have the Eisenhower jacket, and it can be seen in my list of previous postings. We also have the 1947 first edition First Special Service Force, A War History of the North Americans that was also with the uniform, as well as the original dust jacket that was issued with the book.
      The book does have a name in it, but, for privacy reasons I'd rather not just throw the name out there, but, the name is listed in the rooster list in the back of the book.
    9. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      I didn't realize that you were the same one who posted the Ike jacket!

      It all makes a fantastic grouping-- thanks again for sharing it with us.

    10. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      Looks like you hit the jackpot!
    11. northwestrelics northwestrelics, 13 years ago
      Your very welcome, and thanks for the feedback, and comments!
    12. alwhitley, 7 years ago
      I would like to speak with you regarding the First Special Service Force.

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