Posted 13 years ago
(106 items)
I have been told that these rounds are tracers. They are 223 cal. Red tips on all but one. Lower left round has a green & yellow tip. Any information? Was also told that they would burn the barrel when fired.
Depending on the headstamp , if this is military ammo, the red tips are tracer rounds and the green, I think, could be a penetrator round or a NATO round. I'm not sure.
I know that I said to mikelikes that his were tracer rounds but his ammo was actually used to propel rifle grenades.
Firing a few rounds of tracer ammo won't hurt your barrel, although I've found there is more fouling, and I'd clean it soon afterwards, because I'm not sure if the fouling might begin to corrode the barrel or not. One thing you definitely have to worry about is accidentally causing a fire down range. I've seen a number of fires started on military ranges by tracer ammo.
I can't find anything about a yellow and green tip, but I did find the Defense Department publication on ammo color coding online.
I noticed mikelike's ammo had no visible bullet, so my first thought was that his were blanks, but those wouldn't be as interesting at night. I didn't think they were tracers, but I wasn't sure what they would be. Thanks for identifying it as a rifle grenade round.
The ones with no "Bullet" were probably for training. Used in basic training and fired over your head as you crawled through a simulated battle field.