Posted 13 years ago
(37 items)
Bought this at a estate sale. Beautiful cast iron alligator. I do not see any marks to indicate where and what era he /she may be from. Anybody have a clue ? Curious the worth and if this may be a door stop. Would think it would rust in a garden.
Finy ( Julie )
Hi Stillwater . How long is he ? is he a boot scrapper ? You put by door to clean shoes on maybe ?
Oops I meant Finy I was writing my question to you not stillwater .
Hi Manikin,
I think you are right to a boot scraper. He is about 16 1/2 " hard to measure with his curved tail. THANKS for your input !
Welcome to CW Finy and your alligator is very neat piece . I would put him by my front door to keep out strangers . I do remember having a boot scrapper as a child on farm . Not quite as fancy but I feel pretty sure that is what he is .
Look forward to seeing other items you may collect .
I can't date it because it is one of those things that have been re produced . I am not saying yours is but sometimes hard to tell on Cast iron from a photo . The one thing Finy that we don't do on CW in general is give out prices . We share collections and do try to help solve a mystery item . But we are not appraisers and on any given day a price for certain collectibles changes anyway . Most of us are not selling things we are sharing our collections and finds :-) Thanks for sharing your alligator .
I have one of those cast iron alligators just like that one. I know mine is old. My late husband aunt had it a long time. She kept it in her flower garden and when she passed they sold her belongings and I bought it. I looked it up and seen one like it for $99.00. I still have it in landscape and it looks the same as it did when she had it. I love mine.