Posted 13 years ago
(230 items)
I just picked up 3 more pumps this week just 20 min. from my house, these pumps came from a local Fuel Co. that closed in the 80's. The 2 National 360 pumps are from 1955 and started as Tydol Flying A untill tydol pulled out in the 50's and then labelled Atlantic. The pumps came with 2 Porcelain Atlantic Signs and 3 porc. Contains Lead signs, also 1 Flying A add glass and 1 Atlantic Imperial shield sign. The tall pump is a Wayne 70 or 577 and missing the computer and face plates. Now I really need time and money!
very nice find!
Great pick EJW-54!
Thanks packrat-place and officialfuel for loves and compliments! also thanks to trukn20, Chevelleman69, kerry10456, tommy1002, Longings, chevy59, chrissylovescats, pw-collector and sanhardin for all the love's.
Thanks Leighannrn!
Love it!!! I wish I had a full one in my backyard. I spend more money on gas than anything else. lol
Thanks Kathycat, I know what you mean, I spend $60-$70 on gas to get to work and its going up! The gas price on these pumps is set at 33.9 cents!
Thanks Trey!
Thanks walksoftly and jbcollector, glad you love it!
Thanks for lookin and lovin this miKKoChristmas11 and Hedgewalker
Thanks spiritinthesky3, mtg75 and beachbomb, glad you all love this!
Thanks shughs!
Thanks DCB and petey!