Posted 13 years ago
(4 items)
I collect horror and science fiction movie pressbooks, and post scans of them at my blog, Zombos' Closet ( Here are a few pages for the movie, The Black Cat, with Basil Rathbone, Bela Lugosi, and other notable actors. Drop by and say hello.
The person who turned me on to pressbooks (and Mexican lobby cards!) is Professor Kinema (Jim Knusch), a cinema historian and fellow monster kid. He was gracious enough to allow me to scan his pressbooks and Xerox copies of older pressbooks, and I got hooked.
would love to see those mexican lobby cards! are they for American films mostly?
Yes, but the ones done for the local movies are even better. More lurid :) Striking use of colors and fonts, and of course the "nasty" graphics to highlight a movie's key horror elements (or make them appear a lot better than the movie does).
I'll post some this weekend.
amazing, can't wait to see them! :)