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French Silk Suspension Clock Who's the Maker and Age of Clock

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (3 items)

    I recently aquired this Mantle Clock. The Movement seems to be okay. I took out the movement and adjusted it till it ran smoothly. The case is missing something on the top (there is a small hole next to the figure)

    I can't find the maker of the clock, F C - Fe C ?

    Who is the figure suppose to represent, what's missing, age of clock?

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    1. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      not sure of the maker -- but it looks like it has some nice speltering work for the "gilt"
    2. morfg, 9 years ago
      I have a French clock with the same type of movement marked FC. The mark has the same look and placement as yours. I would be interested if you have found information about the maker. I can supply pictures if necessary.
    3. denkeithj denkeithj, 5 years ago
      Would like information Maker Mark FC Silk Suspension Clock. Mine is labeled 1802 With Black silk. Time and Strike 5day.

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