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WWI U.S. Cavalry Coporal Trooper on Horseback with full gear RPPC

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World War One421 of 687Imperial German Reservist's Stein of Tambour JehlWWI U.S. Army Cavalry Trooper on Horseback RPPC
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (136 items)

    Nice WWI era US Army Cavalry RPPC. What I like about this, is that you can see the soldiers "rimless Eagle snap" cartridge belt, his swivel holster for his .45, and most important, is the "Patton Sword" in full view. It was my impression that the sword was always carried on the LEFT side of the horse, attached to the saddle. Not only is this Troopers sword on the right side of the saddle, so is the Troopers sword on the Horse in the back ground. ( hard to see, but if you look close, you can see sword scabbard on the right side of the horse)
    Great image, as this would be the end of an era for the U.S. Army Horse Cavalry......

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Good pick up-- I thought of you when I saw it on ebay (bought too much that day already)!

    2. tlmbaran tlmbaran, 12 years ago
      LOL.....Thanks Scott!

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