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Brother Super Flairmatic 190B Sewing Machine

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (3 items)

    Not sure what year my Brother Super Flairmatic 190B Sewing Machine is and am in need of a belt for it. Any ideas? or ideas where I could find out more information on it. I do have the manuel but it doesn't say much.


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    1. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      here is an advert for this machine from Life magazine 1959
      if you take the old belt to a sewing machine dealer they should be able to get a replacement for you.
    2. DobbinDee70, 12 years ago
      momof3 : Look on the internet at : , you should be able to find a belt for your machine there at a reasonable price .
    3. Samsmom94, 11 years ago
      You want to get a 1/4" wide V belt about 14"-15". They will work with a lug belt but they don't like them, the motor pulley prefers a V belt. The Flairmatic came out around 1958 and sold for a few years. very strong, good machine. I have about a dozen vintage Brothers including this one.
    4. cinamonstardust cinamonstardust, 10 years ago
      i have this machine also but in grey and you can move the needle position left or right in the manual that came with it it is called a brother model riviera but it is badged harris. this machine was also sold in europe badged as ideal i have had more success serching for information about this machine by searching for ideal sewing machines rather than brother it was probably made in japan and dates from 1959-1960 some of these japanese machines have made in Ireland (i think mine may have)
    5. Samsmom94, 10 years ago
      cinamonstardust, the Riviera is one step up from the Flairmatic. The Flairmatic does not have a needle position selector like the Riviera does. That's the only difference between them. Yes, you're likely to find these machines badged under many names. In the 50s and 60s Brother was the largest manufacturer of badged machines all over the world.
    6. cinamonstardust cinamonstardust, 10 years ago
      i also have another harris machine similar to this that was brought from mothercare in 1964. i have read there is a connection between harris/mothercare. this one has the same dials ect and takes cams in the top it also has a more square shaped front. isnt it funny how sewing machines seem similar to cars in the way they change over the decades. not nowdays obviously as we dont get plastic cars and unfortunatly we get plastic sewing machines.
    7. cinamonstardust cinamonstardust, 10 years ago
      Samsmom94, i would never have known my machine was a called a riviera if i didnt have the manual as there doesnt seem to be much information on model numbers/names of these type of machines.
    8. Samsmom94, 10 years ago
      cinamonstardust, I would love to see pics of your Brother badged machines. I collect vintage Brothers and I'm also compiling a list of badged names with the countries they were sold in. It wasn't until the mid 50s that they started giving machines model names, before then it was number/letter combinations like HA4B2. I would love to continue this by email, you can contact me at karry_smith2003 AT yahoo(dot)com.

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