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Dime (200?) with Raised Copper Edges

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US Error Coins84 of 129this penny hellMy All Times Favorite in Doubled Denomination 11c ~ So weird! 148 years ago.
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (3 items)

    2000 something dime with penny like raised copper edges. The last digit of year is obscured by the raised edge. The edge is exagerated somewhat and larger than either a dime or penny would normally be. The edge is smooth and there are no apparent seems so it appears stamped that way.
    AAny comments or information is welcome. I have not been able to locate pics of similar dime, but I may not know where to look.
    Thank You.

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    1. Militarist Militarist, 12 years ago
      Is the diameter smaller than a regular dime? If so the rolled up rim is probably the result of someone tapping it with a spoon just like they do when they make the coin rings.
    2. pennydime pennydime, 12 years ago
      I think this one is NOT a legitimate error coin..
    3. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 12 years ago
      It has been spooned. Not an error coin, just someone having fun. Doing this was popular during the late 1950's and 60's. You can tap the center out and use the rim for a ring for your girlfriend. Spooned rings and sock hop dances.....those were the days. You could tap out a new ring for every new girlfriend.
    4. ginnyg, 12 years ago
      Interesting. I have almost the exact dime with year 200 say this isnt an error coin but what are odds of me having one too? Same year possibly. Does yourslook like the edge of a penny?
    5. pennydime pennydime, 12 years ago
      can not recommended that you can sent this type of coin to any authentication TPG because it is obviously is not a legitimate coin error. Just my own opinion and also please read other comments. Thank you.
    6. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 12 years ago
      If you Google spooning coins you will see plenty of images and there is even a wiki page to show you how to do it. Us old fogies grew up doing it so we don't need Google.
    7. Dandaoak, 10 years ago
      I also have that exact coin with that year and looks exactly the same! It's an error.
    8. aghcollect aghcollect, 10 years ago
      Not an error - it is IMPOSSIBLE for this to occur in the minting process. PERIOD
    9. BeccaNicole1994, 10 years ago
      I have one that I found in my store floor. There was a man that had like five or six of these. I don't think these were made intentionally. If they were then why so many??
    10. princessmila, 10 years ago
      I also have this exact same coin/year. Thats a pretty big COINcidence...
    11. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 10 years ago
      With mintage figures in excess of one and and a half billion (with a "B") for each of the years 2000-2006, even if a thousand people posted that they found one like this, still amounts to nothing but a novelty.

      When a coin is struck without a collar die, you get a broadstruck coin like this:
      The collar die serves two important purposes, it imparts it's design (reeded edge) and it resists the flow of metal during the strike.
      As it's been said many times in two years, this is not the result of a mint error, but that of a bored individual outside the mint. ;)

      T A
    12. bar8888, 9 years ago
      I have one!!! 200 something dime with copper rim
    13. bar8888, 9 years ago
      I wish I could put a photo of it but don't know how. Almost seems like the dime is a bit smaller than usual
    14. eggs24, 9 years ago
      I also have a 200? Any findings re: this dime? I have one and don't believe coincidence that other postings have same exact year.
      Any feedback please?
    15. SpiritBear, 9 years ago

      If the dime is a bit smaller than usual, then it's 100% spooned.

    16. thevogel, 9 years ago
      My father in law had to take apart his dryer to fix it. He found many quarters that looked just like that. I guess many years of spinning in the dryer turned over the edges.
    17. queen_bee, 8 years ago
      I just found two of these dimes. They both have the 200? date. If they are not a printing error, how is it they all have the same date?
    18. mechanix13, 8 years ago
      I have found many of them, they get stuck under the drum of a dryer
    19. CollertorDave777 CollertorDave777, 8 years ago
      There is a process called Electromagnetic shrinking of coins called magna forming which would also be another reason why these dimes are the way they are go to http://www.captured I hope this helps explain some of the mystery.

    20. rockbat, 8 years ago
      A long time ago, when I really, really, needed some money. I remembered hearing some change rattling around in our old washing machine. I opened up the back and found more that $20.00 in change, a large amount looked like your coin.
    21. Justagurl, 7 years ago
      I have one also but mice says 190? With a D above the date
    22. Candylee73, 7 years ago
      I also have one with 200?
    23. juanshow10 juanshow10, 7 years ago
      I also have a dime just like this one, I will post a picture later. I thing this is an error, if someone try to tap it with a spoon, it should have some marks on it.
    24. Tonialynn7u, 7 years ago
      I as well have have one thats 200 something ...what is going on with this....?????I'm in North Florida curios to know where everyone else with one is located...thanks
    25. ELAINE1975, 7 years ago
      I have one. Year 200 something. Even if it were true that people were doing this for fun in the 50’s and 60’s the dimes are from the year 200 something.
    26. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      Oh dear, I have another one, plus other denominations, to put into this mix of opinions.
      My dime is a 1960 something with the last digit mostly covered by the rim. It looks perfectly smooth with uniform raised edges on both sides.
      I also have a quarter, nickle and a penny.
      I'm of the opinion that this is a man-made curiosity.
      I'll post pictures of all of mine in a few days.
    27. Lcmora01, 6 years ago
      I have one too!! I’m in California
    28. Camocowgirl2002, 6 years ago
      I have one as well - 2001 P
    29. LickyAnn, 5 years ago
      I have one but mine is from 1970? Something , I have a quarter from 1967 as well that has a copper ring around it that over laps the quarter some .
    30. stalkergabe, 4 years ago
      I have one exactly like this 1990
    31. clockerman clockerman, 4 years ago
      It was not an error. Just a fun science experiment,
      Fun fun fun.
    32. Coins4jay77 Coins4jay77, 4 years ago
      I also have the same dime. For those of you who keeps saying it isn't an error it's a spoon I highly doubt that's a spoon. I took it in and they guy said he didn't even have enough cash to even come close to paying what it's worth and also told me to have it graded
    33. Teresa3952, 4 years ago
      I have been trying to find out ANYTHING I could about my dime! Glad I found this....I HAVE THE SAME ONE AS WELL so I'm now forced to believe that it's a true error coin!! I am fairly new to coin collecting & I have quite a few good ones thus far. However, it's not something that I plan to continue doing. If someone is serious and would like to see pics or whatever of THIS really rare & odd find.... please feel free to contact me at
    34. Kjhoran, 4 years ago
      This happens when coins get stuck between the stationary dryer tub and the rotating inner tub the spinning wears the edges like that. Check this article on how it happens.
    35. Steve3519, 4 years ago
      I also found the same dime in Pa. so I believe it is miss stamped and can be worth something.. I posted pictures when I opened my account but I don’t know how to get them in my comment.
    36. CoutureCoinCollections, 4 years ago
      I know this is an older post however tonight I found a 2000 Lincoln Memorial Penny the same way with the raised edges being silver... Whether it is man-made or a minting error I am curious where to post a pic or see others pics in-regards to this.. I originally thought it has to be a ring or something of the sort but this is why we love collecting- the finds that keep us curious and excited. :)
    37. Kjhoran, 4 years ago
      The "silver" you are seeing is the zinc core of the penny.
    38. BrianG1, 3 years ago
      If not an does tapping the center out make the edge smooth like a cent?? Perfectly smooth,no sign of tooling, cleaning, etc.,
    39. jerry1300, 3 years ago
      i have a cion all copper edges raised, and he has no hair, a Mohawk haircut., no ears, the last number 1992 (2) is cut in half.??? Miss cut ??
    40. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 3 years ago
      Nothing but the spin cycle in a Washer or the spin of a Dryer, rolling the coin on edge for a long time, I've found Pennies, Nickles, Dimes, and Quarters, mainly in the Washer but the Dryer too! Not an Error! Bill :^)
    41. jlo81, 2 years ago
      I have a 1953 dime like this except edge is not copper color.
    42. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 2 years ago
      Who started A Penny for your Thoughts? We got a Dime's Worth Here!!!
    43. Cico680, 2 years ago
      I have a similar dime, its a 2021
    44. keramikos, 2 years ago
      Cico680, In case you haven't read any of the comments above yours in this post:
    45. Roger323, 2 years ago
      I found one
    46. Mrjoshua13, 2 years ago
      I have one as well, can barely make out the date, thinking is says 2018.
    47. Thearts, 1 year ago
      I have a dime just like what is described above.200?
    48. Cinco11, 1 year ago
      The Dime could be from a slot machine. The coin gets behind the pinwheel and goes around and around. No slot Maintenace for years. I think.....maybe.
    49. Alex357, 7 months ago
      I have the same dime. Is it worth anything I'm in Los Angeles California
    50. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 months ago
      No, it's worth a Dime! :^D It got caught in a washer or dryer and spun the edge out! Bill :^)
    51. Smalldog Smalldog, 7 months ago
      I have a small dime like that The date is 1979, I believe the last digit is a 9, the bottom half of it is under the copper ring. The D mint mark is filled in, IN GOD WE TRUST is missing the I and the W. There is no detail on the torch, nor on the oak and olive branches it is as if they have been filled in. All the words on the reverse have filled in lettering, it is still readable. This small dime, fits inside the rim of a regular sized dime.

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