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Voice - O - Graph

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Private and Promo Records23 of 29Paramounts music group (Northern Soul) acetate recorded at United Sound Systems in Detroit MichiganGrateful Dead Anthem of the Sun Promotional LP
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (638 items)

    Something I picked up Years ago, this is a recorded on record letter back home to this soldiers Family. This is the only one I have seen through the Years, although there may be many more out there somewhere.

    Private and Promo Records
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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 12 years ago
      very cool , is this one of those records you buy blank and have something recorded on?
    2. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Yes , I think this was a service offered to Soldiers to be able to send their on voice talking a Letter to his Family back home. It was never signed from who or to who and without a date filled in, unfortunately. Thanks for the interest SEAN68 !!
    3. SEAN68 SEAN68, 12 years ago
      your very welcome musikchoo:) and thankyou for sharing:)
    4. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Thank You MattyG !!
    5. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Thank You Mani !!
    6. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      I've never heard of a voice-o-graph, imagine how excited the family at home would have been to hear their loved ones message!
    7. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      It's the first one I have stumbled upon walksoftly. I am sure the family of a soldier would be brought to tears when they heard his voice on that record! And the one's that still exist today would be treasured. I would like to know if there are other's out there!! Thanks walksoftly !!
    8. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      Is it recorded on both sides?
      I wonder why they never filled out the date & to & from info?
    9. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Yes it is recorded on both sides and I wish I knew also !! Thanks for the interest walksoftly !!
    10. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Many Thanks Ted !!
    11. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Many Thanks vetraio50 !!
    12. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Thank You moonstonelover21 !!
    13. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Thank You Tony !!
    14. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Thank You Phil !!
    15. gluepot gluepot, 12 years ago
      I have 3 similar records, but made from aluminium, from the 1930s which supposedly have the voices of my gg-uncle and aunt on them. They also have the special wooden needles to use with the old style gramophone player.
    16. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      I would Love to see them. Could you Post them for me gluepot ??
    17. gluepot gluepot, 12 years ago
      I'l try and take some photos :)
    18. VintageGownGal, 12 years ago
      Actually, these records came out of a recording booth machine. you would go into the booth (just like you would a photo booth), put in your money ( I think it was a dime or a quarter, can't remember), then record what ever you wanted to say, sing, play etc. A few minute later the record would come out of a slot. My parents had one of these machines in our penny arcade in Long Beach, Washington during the early to mid 1950's. I have a record that my cousin and I made but only the one. Don't know what ever happened to all rest. We made lots! Our parents would just let us hang out at the arcade when we were not in school.
    19. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Thank You for the onfo VintageGownGal ! That is very interesting !I knew nothing about the Machine that cranked out these little Gems !! (:-D)
    20. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Thank You lisa !!
    21. suprememusicmaster, 11 years ago
      I have several of these type discs. Some small cardboard voice-o-graph discs that look like some gospel songs were recorded on them, and other similar little records. I also have a few "recordios", several blank discs that came from Tondryk's Appliance Shop around Detroit somewhere, blank Rainbo discs that you could record a song onto, and some other Wilcox-Gay discs, I believe. I don't know much about them. I also have a vintage Infra dictation machine with microphone from about the '40's or 50's, but I don't have much information about it. Maybe someone can fill me in.
    22. adamguinn, 10 years ago
      So, I just aquired one of these myself. Have not listened to it yet! Have my fingers crossed that it has as good a story to go with it as yours. Thanks!

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